Meta Tags
Meta tags are basically a description for search engines to read. In the past few years the value of meta tags has depreciated due to people abusing them. Meta Keywords are no longer used by most major search engines. I still recommend using them in your template because some smaller search engines still use them.
To add meta tags you first need to find the best keywords for your blog with
Meta Tag Analyzer.
Once you have your keyword's go to Design--> Edit HTML
Scroll down not far from the top of your template and you will see this code below.
Your keywords should have commas and spaces after the commas.
'Games, Cool, Fun, Sports, Play'
Some characters maybe rejected by Blogger template.
Use the Meta Tag Analyzer after your done to check your meta tags.
Keep in mind this will not appear immediately in the search engines. It takes time for the web crawlers to pick up the changes. At best guess it can take around a week or so and even up to a month for all the indexed pages within your blog.
Here is an example of what it might look like when your done.
To add meta tags you first need to find the best keywords for your blog with
Meta Tag Analyzer.
Once you have your keyword's go to Design--> Edit HTML
Scroll down not far from the top of your template and you will see this code below.
Just below the head code place this code.
Now fill in the following.
<meta content='DESCRIPTION' name='description'/>
<meta content='20KEYWORDS' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='YOURNAME' name='author'/>
Your keywords should have commas and spaces after the commas.
'Games, Cool, Fun, Sports, Play'
Some characters maybe rejected by Blogger template.
Use the Meta Tag Analyzer after your done to check your meta tags.
Keep in mind this will not appear immediately in the search engines. It takes time for the web crawlers to pick up the changes. At best guess it can take around a week or so and even up to a month for all the indexed pages within your blog.
Here is an example of what it might look like when your done.
<meta content='Tweaks, Hacks, Tips, and Tricks for Blogger to customize everything you want! We have many great tutorials with detailed instructions!' name='description'/>
<meta content='Blogger, Tweaks, Tips, Trick, Edits, Template, Blogspot, Favicon, Background, HTML Buttons, Amazon, Adsense, Ads, Hyperlinks, Page Rank, Backlinks' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='AiresOFwar' name='author'/>
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